# | Cím | Abstract | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
„Tudományos mûvészet” : tudomány és köznyelviség Eötvös Péter mûvészetében |
»Scientific Art«-Science and Communication in Peter Eötvös’ Art
Bálint Veres The present study is a second version of a discourse held at the Partium Christian University (in Oradea, Romania) in summer 2004. It contains a twin-survey of a music philosophical phenomenon of the post-war New Music and the first creative period of Péter Eötvös’ work as a composer. These two topics find their common denominator in the primordial subject of the relationships between music and sciences. Since Eötvös’ work has a very close contact with science from the very beginning. Considering Martin Heidegger’s reflections concerning the nature of modern sciences (Die Zeit des Weltbildes, 1938), we can find not only the inspirative force of the science in the “early” compositions of Eötvös (Elektrochronik, Intervalles-Interieurs, Mese, etc.), but its limits also which is revealed by the art itself. |
2005., 43. évf. 1. szám | 65. - 76.o | |
Hang-szín, hang-tér, hang-verseny, hang-… : értelmezéskísérlet Horváth Balázs Magnets címû kamarazene-sorozatához |
Musical Spaces in Balázs Horváth’s Magnets
Bálint Veres Interpreting a group of works of the young Hungarian composer Balázs Horváth (*1976), the author of this critical study ponders the possibilities of musical innovation today and concludes with some conservative claims for music’s communicativeness. The latent polemics between the actual work of music and indefinable musicality proceed in a survey of the subject and realizations of musical space in Horváth’s works. Notwithstanding a brief theoretical excursion, “horizontal”, “vertical”, “real” and “imaginary” moments of space are treated in the close context of the works themselves. |
2006., 44. évf. 4. szám | 417. - 437.o | |
Rec. Vadászat jelentésre : (Jelentés egy zeneszemiotikai magaslesbõl) : Raymond Monelle: The Musical Topic. Hunt, Military and Pastoral | - | 2008., 46. évf. 4. szám | 471. - 476.o |