# | Cím | Abstract | Szerző | Folyóirat | Oldalszám |
Francesco Petrarca a zene élvezetérõl |
Francesco Petrarch on the Enjoyment of Music
Réka Lengyel The text edited here is the twenty-third dialogue in Book I of Petrarch's De remediis utriusque fortunae (1366), a voluminous treatise on moral philosophy, which was extremly popular among later scholars (as is indicated by the large number of its manuscripts and editions), contributing most to the writer's European reputation. This manual of short and wise phrases and sentences, mostly quoted or paraphrased from classical Roman and medieval authors, is designed to be used by the readers in each situation that occurs in their life, by discouraging pride in prosperity and giving consolation in adversity. Petrarch's opinion and arguments on the sweetness of music (what "the modern reader may find disappointing"—as Rawski says) reflects the ancient music theory: the music has a great way of touching people, a magical power, but we should enjoy it soberly and moderately and avoid indulging ourselves in the emotions, the joy and happiness evoked by listening or singing music. Due to the success of the whole book, our dialogue was certainly among the main sources from which Renaissance and later authors obtained these topics. A new comparative examination of 17 early (late 14th to late 15th century) manuscript and 8 printed edition of De remediis (among them the first 15th editions) brought to light some error in the text of the dialogue known to us today. One of these errors seems really relevant, it occurs in the last sentence of the dialogue. In almost all of the printed editions (except the first two) we find this: Nec sine causa divini Plato vir ingenii musicam arbitratus est ad statuni sive correctionem morum ac reipublice pertinere. But this text redaction doesn't agree with that of the manuscipts (and the first two printed edition), in the place of the word correctionem we find corruptionem. (We must note that no autograph edition of the book survived.) Regarding the fact that small mistakes and oversights in a manuscript often lead to misinterpretation or confuse the reader, we suppose that the error was caused by the mistake or oversight of the editor of 1492 text redaction, but it might be also the printer who was at fault. The important fact is that—as it seems—this corrupt version of the text (with its errors and not only in the case of our dialogue) served as a basis for all the later redactions and many translations. So the text published here for the first time is the new, corrected, critical edition of the dialogue I. 23. which intends to present us the closest version to the original autograph edition. |
Lengyel Réka | 2009., 47. évf. 3. szám | 321. - 334.o |